Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Don't you just love it? (or things I'm learning daily)

Don't you just love it when you have this big problem--I'm talking the kind you can't fathom getting over--and you approach it alone. I mean I'm supposed to be some big guy, right? I mean sure, you act like you give God control over it but underneath it all your grip is still as firm as ever. This has been my past two or three weeks: finals approaching, school bills due, things not falling into place at work--you name it. And then today seemed to be the culmination of it all--on the verge of a breakdown or something (as close as I come to that....lol)--I just couldn't work things out right at work to save my life and I realize a huge balance is left on my fee bill due to a scholarship not coming through. I mean why can't I fix THIS. All I could think is ME, ME, ME. And then, at the height of it all, when I think my options have run out, I finally--three weeks in the making--finally give it to Christ; the last I turn to is the place I should have started........Where do you think this is going? What does God do for those that truly humble themselves and remove doubt in him? Within 1 hour I find out that the scholarship check went out 2 or 3 days ago and should be here just in time and my boss (my aunt and best friend) calls to let me know everything is fine--something I've needed to hear for awhile now. Why do I do this to myself?
Sometimes God allows us to continue in our ways, to continue in our own folly to the very last instant--to that instant in which we truly humble ourselves and give our troubles to him. This is just one way in which our King is "mighty to save."

Now playing: Hillsong - The Freedom We Know
via FoxyTunes

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